Yo yo yo yo,
Twitch chat, hey whats up guys!
Welcome to the stream! I hope you guys are doing fandicly tasticly today and if not, maybe this stream can put you in a better mood!
That is at least what iam setting out to do. Welcome everybody, welcome to the stream!
Today is January 22. Great, now that we are in a good mood did you know that on this day in 1987... do you know what happened? Pennsylvania politician R. Budd Dwyer shoots and kills himself at a press conference on live national television, leading to debates about boundaries in journalism. How about that? Oh here is one for you! On this day in 1689 Prince William of Orange (future King William III of Britain) summons the Convention Parliament to discuss ruling jointly with his wife Mary, the daughter of exiled King James II. Nice! Who knew that? Mods keep track and update the houses. 10 points to Gryffindor! Oh here is one for you! On this day in 1905 Russian Revolution 1905 In St Petersburg, Russia, a large demonstration of workers led by Father Gapon, march to the Winter Palace with a petition to the Tsar; troops fire on protesters in what becomes known as 'Bloody Sunday'.
Well well well well chat, guys on this day in 2025 you all tuned into Twitch tv slash NymN!
Thank you so much for doing that!
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Cuz lets be real... Micheal I know what you were up watching late last night
Welcome to Twitch tv slash NaM! Hi everybody!
Build version: 2023-11-15